by Yolandea Wood | Apr 29, 2022 | Scholarship Opportunity
Update: The 66 scholarship packages arrived one week ago. I have been given 3 weeks to grade. My scores will be combined with other national reviewers. Then the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation, will consolidate grades and select recipients. by Yolandea Wood | Apr 29, 2022 | Aviation, Scholarship Opportunity
Many have heard of the current and future pilot shortage. Companies and individuals are responding. Locally, Chesterfield Airport and Elite Aviation has partnered with local school district and others to create an awesome program geared toward high school students.... by Yolandea Wood | Apr 14, 2022 | Scholarship Opportunity
The national graders have not received the applications to review. Therefore, the release of recipients names maybe delayed until May. Stay tuned for further updates. by Yolandea Wood | Dec 12, 2021 | Scholarship Opportunity, Youth Programs
Hugh J. White Tuskegee Airmen Chapter of St Louis. is proud to announce the scholarship partnership with the Henderson Aviation Resources Inc, . They have created the Lewis Lynch Memorial Aviation Scholarship in honor of the St Louis native. Mr. Lewis Lynch, a... by Yolandea Wood | Nov 20, 2021 | Events, Scholarship Opportunity, Youth Programs
This year 6 students 18-21 who were high school graduates were selected to attend a flight school in NY. This full ride scholarship will provide an opportunity for the students to achieve their corporate pilot ratings. The program has been in the news. Please follow... by Yolandea Wood | Nov 20, 2021 | Scholarship Opportunity, Scholarship Words of Wisdom, Youth Programs
First please visit to see a list and pictures of last year’s recipients. Announcing the start of this year’s application process. The HJW chapter covers from outside Kansas City to outside Chicago. The TAI national organization...